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What an employer ought to MarianneBFox 0 148 28.09.2019 13:03
wins, going 20-6 in 2004 and lebaobei123 0 143 28.05.2019 01:52
but his playmaking." Sadly, the Clippers h lebaobei123 0 137 28.05.2019 01:52
lya beat Emma. Damien Sandow was lebaobei123 0 113 28.05.2019 01:52
night.Griffin, recovering from a dislocated left lebaobei123 0 112 28.05.2019 01:52
ughriders. Crompton threw three touch lebaobei123 0 131 28.05.2019 01:52
oilet in the bathroom at the time I brought in t lebaobei123 0 98 28.05.2019 01:52
is 11-59 with 3 XBH, 6 RBI). * John L lebaobei123 0 118 28.05.2019 01:52
a double, a triple and a home lebaobei123 0 127 28.05.2019 01:51
and eight hits in 6 2-3 innings. lebaobei123 0 138 28.05.2019 01:51
round in New York to 145t lebaobei123 0 120 28.05.2019 01:51
ose yards. He spent the 2010 and lebaobei123 0 106 28.05.2019 01:51
opened in 2001. ... 3B Ra lebaobei123 0 152 28.05.2019 01:51
He made four rehab appearances with lebaobei123 0 111 28.05.2019 01:51
eturns. Ryan Zimmerman, whose chron lebaobei123 0 112 28.05.2019 01:51
a great start from Chri lebaobei123 0 105 28.05.2019 01:51
the Tampa Bay Rays are feeling lebaobei123 0 100 17.05.2019 03:04
st expensive signings for both clubs face-off in lebaobei123 0 137 17.05.2019 03:04
gainst just two interceptions, completing 6 lebaobei123 0 118 17.05.2019 03:04
kins also agreed to a one-year contract lebaobei123 0 106 17.05.2019 03:04
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